We all love nature… 

Look deep into nature, and you will
understand everything better.

My Nature Trails

Birds & Nature

I try to keep photographic record of all the bird species I come across. I am sharing some of my photographs here with you.

Travel & Food

I travel whenever possible to explore various places, do some birding and try local cuisines..

Gardening & Aquascaping

Keeping home beautiful, clean and as close to nature is a challenge everyone will be facing. I shall share some of my gardening, and aqua-scaping experiments here..

"Dear Bird watchers and Nature lovers..
Adopt the pace of Nature.. Her secret is patience.”

Kamal Hari Menon

Welcome to my website...

I am showcasing my passion for Nature by sharing my experiences in birding, travelling, aquariums, gardening, photography etc…


Whether you’re curious to know more about any of my posts.. please feel free to contact me..